Electric Vehicle Power Steering

Electric vehicle power steering is now a normal, acceptable part of virtually all electric vehicles. Electric cars have been making waves in the automotive industry for their sustainability, efficiency, and…

The affordable Electric vehicle Service Routine

Maintaining Your Green Machine: Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant popularity due to their eco-friendly nature and efficient operation. One of the key advantages of electric cars is the reduced…

Range extenders

Unleashing the Potential of Electric Vehicles with Range Extenders Electric vehicles (EVs) have made remarkable strides in recent years, with improved battery technology and charging infrastructure making them more accessible…

electric cars have no gearbox?

Let’s look at fossil fuel cars (petrol – diesel) and electric cars for comparison purposes. What is the technical difference? Well first, with an ICE (internal combustion engine) we have…

How an EV controller is programmed to control the EV Power

Unveiling the Heart of an Electric Vehicle: The Controller and its Vital Control Levels EV controllers are programmed by computer just as ICE vehicles are programmed with an OBD-II diagnostic…

Can you tow an electric car?

You may not be able to tow an electric car. Check these things first. You can tow an electric car if the car is front-wheel drive and the front wheels…

Powering Lights and Accessories in Affordable Electric Cars

Illuminating Innovation: Powering Lights and Accessories in Affordable Electric Cars In the realm of electric vehicles (EVs), the dazzling advancements often spotlight high-voltage systems and cutting-edge technology. Yet, beneath the…

Voltage Inverters: why do we need them?

Demystifying Voltage Inverters: Illuminating the Role in Affordable Electric Car Systems We need voltage inverters because electric cars use a much higher voltage than 12 volts, but we need 12…

Affordable electric car electrics

Under the Hood of Affordable Chinese Electric Cars: A Technical Exploration The electric car electric system: As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution sweeps across the automotive landscape, one of the…

What is the slowest electric car?

The Sinclair c5: The slowest electric cars are those which have the smallest motors. There is no particular type, but let’s look into why they are slow. Sometimes there is…